Sunday, July 26, 2015

Dawn of the Filler: Genesis

Not quite a filler post, but since not much is really going on in terms of life, here we go.

First off: Movie reviews!
I've been on a cheesy cop movie kick lately (you should see my Netflix queue), and I just want to share with you all some of the movies I've been watching.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Mad Max, Fallout 4, Dinosaurs, and other stuff.

You may have noticed that sidebar on the right side of the blag. The names on this bar have a very specific purpose: The one at the top when Fallout 4 comes out will be my first character's name. There's a story behind this, and it all begins in Australia.

Well, kind of.

It begins in my basement, but the movie we're watching takes place in Australia. See, since Fallout 4 is coming out soon(ish), my roommates and I have decided to watch all of the Mad Max movies. So of course we started at the only place that made sense. At move 2: The Road Warrior.

From here: