So it turns out that Blogger isn't the best text editor out there. The laptop I was editing this post on lagged for a bit, selected all the text, deleted it, then reloaded the page. I was through part 4 (about 5 pages in, maybe more) and it all went away. The point there is I learned a few very important lessons: 1. Don't use Blogger as a text editor, use it to post your text, 2. Don't run Chrome with 35 tabs open, and 3. upload smaller posts more often rather than trying to fit 15 pages in one post. No one wants to read something that long anyway.
But now for the actual blog post.
Hello! My name is Clang and I'll be learning you how to build a computer today! In the past, I've usually had pretty good luck with store-bought computers, but the prices they charged for the hardware I got always left a little to be desired (Also I usually only bought laptops). Being the cheap bastard that I am, I decided in college to build my own desktop from spare parts. Since then, I've built several desktops for friends and myself, usually utilizing used or secondhand parts to cut the overall price. And normally my computers are about as good as what you'd be able to get from a large retailer like Best Buy or something for around two thirds to three quarters of the price (plus a few bottles of Mountain Dew if it was a commission. I work cheap).