Thursday, September 15, 2016

My SWTOR Fifth Anniversary Blog Series idea/plan

So, right now I'm on campus, between classes and sitting in a corner (Like I always do because I am... who I am), listening to Star Trek Music (It's the fiftieth anniversary after all). And I decided I wanted to write a blog post about SWTOR's fifth anniversary. Tiny problem was, I had no idea what I wanted to write. Which for me is no real surprise, as I have incurable Writers Block. (Yes, I made that up, but it's what it feels like).

I had an old WIP post about the toxicity I see in the SWTOR community.  (Mostly on Reddit) Then I realized I am too old to with any potential fall out from that, and it wouldn't have been appropriate for the fifth anniversary. So. I thought about writing why I play SWTOR... and that snowballed into the story behind my Legacy characters in the game, my SWTOR YouTube channel, and my wishlist of things I'd like to see, both small and large either added or fixed in the game. However, it became clear that a blog like that would be about as long as War and Peace. So, like George Lucas did when he first wrote Star Wars, I took each part and instead of one LONG blog, I split them up into three or four (Depending on how things go) parts.


Blog #1 - Solo mode Shroud/Seeker Droid and Oricon (I suppose this could be part of blog #2, but since I recently "soloed", IE, multiboxed the three 4-man puzzles in the final Shroud heroic, I felt like I wanted to write about that, and why/how I think they need to tune both Heroics to serve as solo mode for those that want to learn more about The Shroud, since he is featured in the bonus chapter in Fallen Empire; Shroud of Memory. (And...if people want to know more about the Dread Seeds.) As for Oricon, I was going to talk about why I feel like there should be a solo mode for the ending of the Dread War story. And some people may not like the idea, but I feel like throwing it out there.)

Blog #2 - My SWTOR wish list/reasons? (So, you know, QOL stuff, More KotOR Armors, ect.)

Blog #3 - The history and future of the Gallifreyan Legacy (Pretty much my RL reasoning behind the characters, and their in game history and information)

Blog #4 - Why I play SWTOR (This is pretty self explanatory.)

Now, I can't be sure i'll post this over the entire weekend, since i have to actually WRITE more than the layout I have.  I was thinking of maybe saving the fourth blog for December, when TOR's anniversary actually is. But, I might see what the reaction is to my series, and post it sooner.

Which reminds me, I need a name for this series, if you have any ideas, PLEASE comment below or tweet them to me!

Friday, May 27, 2016

How to Compooter: A Pro's guide on how to select, purchase, build, and set up your own computer Part 1: Choose your parts

So it turns out that Blogger isn't the best text editor out there. The laptop I was editing this post on lagged for a bit, selected all the text, deleted it, then reloaded the page. I was through part 4 (about 5 pages in, maybe more) and it all went away. The point there is I learned a few very important lessons: 1. Don't use Blogger as a text editor, use it to post your text, 2. Don't run Chrome with 35 tabs open, and 3. upload smaller posts more often rather than trying to fit 15 pages in one post. No one wants to read something that long anyway.

But now for the actual blog post.

Hello! My name is Clang and I'll be learning you how to build a computer today! In the past, I've usually had pretty good luck with store-bought computers, but the prices they charged for the hardware I got always left a little to be desired (Also I usually only bought laptops). Being the cheap bastard that I am, I decided in college to build my own desktop from spare parts. Since then, I've built several desktops for friends and myself, usually utilizing used or secondhand parts to cut the overall price. And normally my computers are about as good as what you'd be able to get from a large retailer like Best Buy or something for around two thirds to three quarters of the price (plus a few bottles of Mountain Dew if it was a commission. I work cheap).

Monday, January 11, 2016

Poll Wars Episode II: Attack of the Reviews

This is not the post I was talking about having in the works in the last post. Anyway, I imagine most of you have seen the new Star Wars movie by now (a few times), and I've gone and read a few more books since my last post. I think now would be a good time to not only tell you all what I thought of the movie and also about how well the "Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens" books/comics actually tied in to the episode.

So, biggest first eh?