Sunday, May 31, 2015

Adventures in D&D 5e

I am going to be starting a D&D 5e game with some friends soon. I believe that I'll be playing either a wizard or sorcerer, so we'll see how that goes. One problem: I've never played D&D before.

Well, that's kind of a lie. I've played a few games of savage worlds and a game of Edge of the Empire, but never the actual D&D.

First off: character generation!!
I missed our group's character generation meeting thing. So I get to do it all on my own! Woo!
Only knowing the vaguest bits about what kind of characters all the others will be playing (classes for most of the others), the only thing I knew is that we need a spellcaster. I'm leaning toward Wizard because I'd rather play the old, wizened (or younger but bookish) character than a brash sorcerer. I'll decide for sure while looking over the spells. If I know me, it'll probably come down to rolling a die and interpreting evens as one class and odds as another.

Anyway, I decided to go for a warlock because I was talking to a friend and he postulated the idea of being a "poke the dragon to see what the flames look like" kind of character and warlock seemed to fit nicely there. I will be a half-elf warlock, so that adds to my charisma a bit, and I put my two extra points into intelligence and wisdom. I chose Arcana, Deception, History, and Insight as my skills.

Again, I decided to be the "Pushes a glass of milk off the counter to see it crash, but will totally buy you a new one I guess" kind of character, so I'll be going with the elder god type patron, that way I can play with the minds of my enemies. Just to see what I can get them to do. I may actually go back and change history to Persuasion now that I think of it...

With the planning over it was time to actually make the character. Also, readers should note that I waited even longer to make my character and it is now a few scant hours before our first game. I went with my half-elf warlock so I'd get that little bonus to charisma and some other bonuses to other stats. I rolled for my stats and was pleasantly surprised to not get any modifiers below +1 and even rolled an 18 on one of them (which I put in charisma), much to the chagrin of the others in the group (whose dice don't like them as much apparently). I tagged the Arcana, Deception, History, and Insight skills, just as planned. Choosing languages was interesting: my DM had stated that there would only be one language from the normal languages table available, so literally everything in the world either speaks common or something from the exotic languages table. So with me with my three known languages picked common, abyssal, and deep speech. For giggles. Who knows, maybe talking to beholders (and having boatloads of charisma) will come in handy?

Next was the hardest part for me. Choosing a background. I decided to look through the book's list of backgrounds and was dismayed not to find exactly what I wanted to pick (I mean, seriously. How dare they not write this book to exclusively cater to my every whim). I then laid eyes on the guild artisan background. "Now that looks like something interesting" I said to myself. So I became a member of the baking guild and jokingly stated to my comrades that I would be henceforth known as "The Warlock of Wheat". It stuck. It seems to go nicely with the Chaotic Neutral alignment I chose, what with my only caring about baking recipes and such, so all was well in the end. I jotted down the suggested starting equipment for my class and background.

Now for spells. I decided to just go with a few interesting looking cantrips (eldritch balst and friends) and then picked the two elder god pact level 1 spells (Dissonant whispers and Tasha's Hideous Laughter) for my level 1 spells. Since Warlock can swap spells out, I figured these would be good for now at least. With that all done (a while having passed and our game now an hour late to start), we were off (after a Taco Bell run)!

Come back next week for the first game!

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